Wow, let's get this dream down somewhere before I forget it. I've had pregnancy dreams before. Usually, they are about me snuggling with a happy baby. This one was just creepy.
I'm me, just about 3 different "me"s.
Each me is pregnant and ready to pop.
The first me is past due, and doctors decide to do a C-section. I can hear people start to panic even though my nurse is calmly telling me to relax as I am being put under. I totally feel this process of blacking out.
The second me is past due again, this time somehow I know with a girl baby, and I am in labor but it is slow going. My family is there - this is the only pleasant scene.
The third me is also past due, but instructed to walk around town to help the process along. This me knows I'm having a boy. I get lost, meet new people, end up at a beach party, ride on a double decker tour bus to the mall, have a blast. I dance, jump around, run, and I think I even surf. It's a blast, but all out of frustration that I am not making my labor progress.
I switch randomly between the last two me's. The first one never wakes back up for me to know what happened.
Since I just got up, and am a little creeped out, and my lappy is right here - what an opportunity for the few of you to think I'm even weirder. Strange dreams happen to everyone under stress, right?
That's pretty tripped out!