I woke up early and made breakfast, eggs tortillas and OJ. Watched the sun rise, enjoyed my animals in my nice house after Randy left for the day. I want to apologize for what must sound like more drama from yours truly, but I promised to give you all of me, not just the impressive parts.
I read a post from Donielle's blog: http://www.naturallyknockedup.com/the-sting-of-mothers-day/
Reading her words about peace during the Mother's Day holiday for women who believe they should have a child in their arms, but don't - I've once again been reduced to red eyes, puffy face, mocos, and tears. Every time I read another woman's experience, I feel like they share in some kind of secret.
All is well with me, my bad days are fewer and father between. This won't be a bad day for me, just happened to be an emotional morning. Worth documenting? Only if you like to read about me crying. Worth passing on Donielle's blog info? Definitely.
Thanks for visiting :) Have a good weekend.