Sunday, January 22, 2012

Serious and Complicated Plan

We are cd1! It's a new day and a new cycle. Let's talk about this month's strategy.

Dr. Brannaman sent me the rx for 100mg Clomid. I'll take it cd 5-9. I will use the digital opk from Clearblue like I have been. I'll also keep charting. Besides the increased dose, I'll be using PreSeed for sexy times, and natural progesterone cream after I ovulate until about 18dpo.

Let's talk about stress, baby.  This month, I'm going to keep my load as light as possible. I will also work my devotional back into the day. Of course, I should be doing that already.

My prayer for this month is to enjoy, not over think.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Sentiment

I usually think poems and most "inspirational" quotes are cheesy.  I've never liked any of those vinyl words that you can paste onto the walls for a hand painted look.  Kirkland's home (even though I'm quite fond of the store for the furniture) is notorious for this in their frames.

Well, I was browsing Pinterest today, and found something that touched me.  I wish I could link to the original source, but the user that pinned it didn't provide a link (tsk-tsk)

I have thought this almost exactly as it's written here, without being able to form the words.  I have imagined before, that when the time is right I would write this in a letter for them to read one day how about how much they were wanted.  Instead, now that I found this today I will find a way to incorporate it somehow in the decor of their room. Thought I'd post it here so I didn't lose it.

Do you like?

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I Wanna See Ya Grill

I grilled a pizza!

While browsing AZ Central yesterday, I cam across a mention of Chris Bianco (If you haven't had the much debated Pizzeria Bianco, put it on your list!). Anyways, that got me hungry for a wood fire pizza. I don't have a brick oven, sooooo I started searching for grilling pizza.  I thought it would be an easy enough process, culminating in a delicious dinner.  Fresh & Easy has dough and sauce ready made, so it was easy to assemble the ingredients.  I thought about it all day at work, and then couldn't get the fire started fast enough.

This is where I went wrong

The fire was too hot, and I had too much olive oil on the dough. I put the dough directly on the grate over the hot coals.  It wasn't a minute before this go was, quite literally, toast.

So we tried again with another ball of dough. This time, great success!!

 It was a little misshapen, but it turned out pretty good. This time, we shoved all the coals to one side, and placed the dough on the opposite side, to cook with indirect heat. After letting one side crisp, flipped it over, added toppings, and let it set until the cheese melted and the dough finished cooking, about another 5-8 minutes.

And it was Delicious!

Monday, January 16, 2012

The New Wait, Continued...

"Wait without thought, for you are not ready for thought."

Today is CD29, MLK, a beautiful drizzle on a Monday in Arizona.

I got the call last week from my Dr. that the clomid was not effective at 50mg., and my blood indicated i had not ovulated. After that day, I stopped charting my BBT for the rest of this cycle.  Let me tell you what charting BBT does to me.  It wakes me up at 5:30am every morning and sets the tone. It is my first thought of the day.  I lay with the thermometer in my mouth for a whole minute, with nothing to think of, except, "I hope there is a dip today," or,"I hope it stays elevated today." Then I go back to sleep until 6.  My whole day has my BBT as a backdrop. "How are you this morning?" "Great! I'm 96.9 today, thank you".  Yes, I am completely aware this makes me sound like a psychopath.

So, day 29 is here.  I should be expecting my period. Just waiting patiently, so I can take 100mg of clomid cd5-9.  Except I am terrible at waiting without thinking too hard.  There is actually a crazy person inside of me who is tempted to take a pregnancy test, just in case. Crazier things have happened, right?  Around my parts, that's a loaded question.

I won't keep you too long, but thanks for listening, and if you understand - thanks for that too.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

We meet again...

Old friend - South Beach.  Years ago, when I was diagnosed with PCOS for the first time, my Dr. told me that there was a fool proof way to manage the symptoms. This was a way of eating called the South Beach Diet. I took the advice, and went through phase 1.  It was hard to do, but by the end of the 2 weeks, I felt amazing.  I should've kept going, but I got lazy. This was years ago.

I will go in tomorrow for my day 21 progesterone test. I took my first round of clomid, 50mg, this month. Day 21 of my cycle fell today, a Sunday.  Dr. Brannaman asked me to come in tomorrow morning for a blood draw. Hope it goes well. 

Back to my previous point, Randy and I are getting back on SB tomorrow.  I'll keep everyone up to date with the results of the week.  Talk to you later!