Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Sentiment

I usually think poems and most "inspirational" quotes are cheesy.  I've never liked any of those vinyl words that you can paste onto the walls for a hand painted look.  Kirkland's home (even though I'm quite fond of the store for the furniture) is notorious for this in their frames.

Well, I was browsing Pinterest today, and found something that touched me.  I wish I could link to the original source, but the user that pinned it didn't provide a link (tsk-tsk)

I have thought this almost exactly as it's written here, without being able to form the words.  I have imagined before, that when the time is right I would write this in a letter for them to read one day how about how much they were wanted.  Instead, now that I found this today I will find a way to incorporate it somehow in the decor of their room. Thought I'd post it here so I didn't lose it.

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