Sunday, June 3, 2012

The weeks, how they fly by

I feel like its been forever since I sent you a nice status update. I have completed my 28th year of awesomeness, helped my husband in his quest for purpose, spent a bunch of money, and prepared for a special guest.

My birthday is May 28, every year. Good thing is it always falls the week of Memorial day, so I get a 3 day weekend somewhere around my b-day every year. This year it fell on Memorial Day, so I got a day off work for my gift.

I helped Randy prepare for his first exposure as a photographer. He entered a local show, and got to meet a lot of really talented, friendly people. He later told me he hasn't felt so alive in years. He wasn't kidding, I haven't seen him like that in about as long. He is a confident man with a commanding presence and a loveable personality. You really need to see him in action to appreciate it. If I had an inch of his charm, I'd get into a lot more trouble...

I spent a grip of cash. On myself :)   OK, I spent it on some necessities for my business. I needed business cards, which meant I needed contact information. I figured I should have a website and PO Box to be legit. The website will be done soon. I will gush about that venture in my next post.

I am in home freshening mode. I unrealistically strive to get all my major projects done by Saturday to show them off to our Aunt Sarah from CA. In reality, painting the office is the only real project I think I can handle this week. Randy and I will be in the zone all week making sure the house is clean and dogs are groomed.

In other news: My sister in law got engaged!! I am so happy for her, I knew a long time ago Bret was the one for her. I think it was when she told me how much he liked to drink milk (only she would comment on that, being the major milk drinker in the family).  I never had a sister. Cousins and friends only close part of that gap growing up. I have brothers, but I mean, come on - not the same. I've really grown to love Nattie like a sister. I was a little nervous that she might not ask me in the wedding for a couple reasons. I didn't ask her to be in mine, for one. I hadn't known her for too long and desperately wanted her to like me! To save risking my friends offending her or asking her to spend more money than she wanted, I feel like I just plain left her out. I always regretted that, and if I would've been more mature at the ripe age of 20, I would've done a lot of things different.

I came to peace with that reality last week when I knew I was going to see her after work. I made her a great tool, a bridal binder - great for organizing and planning.  I wrapped it up with a bow and surprised her with it. Before she opened it up, she asked me if I'd like to be her maid of honor. I am so touched and privileged to serve her this way. If anyone deserves an awesome MOH, it's Nattie. I'm a freakin' pro, but maybe I'll tell that story another time.

Lastly, I worked out with my old pal Mary Anne. She's going to help get my body in the shape it wants to be in. Little by little.  I joined SparkPeople for the community and meal plans. Is anyone else on that site?

Got a full day at work tomorrow. 6 weeks until vacation! Oh did I forget to mention I'm going to San Diego? Whaaaaaaat!

Ok for real this time. Good night! Thanks for visiting.

Jessica Juice

1 comment:

  1. so excited for you and the business!! :D i'm also really happy that randy had such a great time and was totally in his element with the photography thing, that's exciting and most of all rewarding.

    how's the sparkpeople community??
